John A Zeitz, Psychiatrist, MD in Bellevue, Washington
I am currently a psychiatrist in Bellevue. I also practiced psychiatry in San Francisco in the past. I have helped thousands of patients over the 42 years I have worked as a psychiatrist. I have learned a great deal about what causes people to feel distressed and how to relieve it. Although everyone is unique, there are many common reasons for people to experience troubling feelings and behavior.
Talking with a psychiatrist is not the same as talking with a partner, parent, or friend. People often worry how others with react to what they say in terms of opinions, judgments, or advice. People often edit what they say due to these concerns. What is told to a psychiatrist is confidential and this facilitates more freedom in being more open and honest. I try my best to make it easier for people to feel comfortable in sharing their concerns.
I offer my wisdom, empathy, and knowledge to listen and be helpful. I try to put myself in the place of the person confiding in me. I provide feedback to assist in overcoming troubling feelings, thinking, and behavior. New insights emerge in this process that bring relief, change, and greater self-confidence.
During my years of practice, I have helped people with a wide variety of problems. The following is a brief list:
- problems with mild, moderate, and severe depression and anxiety
- panic attacks
- interpersonal conflict with marital partners, boyfriends and girlfriends, parents, friends, co-workers, and bosses
- traumatic experiences in childhood and adulthood
- low self-esteem and self-confidence
- sexual problems
- the loss of loved ones from separations, illness, or death
- difficulties in achieving success in a variety of areas
- obsessive ruminations and compulsive behavior
- insomnia
- hypomanic or manic experiences
- self-defeating behavior associated with guilt feelings, disappointment, and frustration
- difficulties in enjoying social events, hobbies, and other activities
I have a great deal of experience in prescribing a wide variety of medications which can be helpful if needed.
I was on the volunteer faculty as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco between January, 1979 and December, 2008. I participated in teaching psychiatric residents who were in training to be psychiatrists.
I have enjoyed my clinical work and have found it deeply satisfying to help people resolve their problems, achieve their personal goals, and enhance their insight into themselves and others.
I utilize a psychodynamic approach which involves exploring the hidden and obvious causes of inner turmoil. A greater awareness of the origin of repetitious patterns of emotional reactions and behavior facilitates change and growth. My psychoanalytic training has helped me understand how the past influences the present. Brief or extended psychotherapy is used depending on a patient’s needs, wishes, goals, and the severity of their problems. Medications can be used if a patient wants and needs them.

Contact Info
John A. Zeitz, M.D.
The Loben Building
1220 116th Avenue N.E., Suite 203
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Phone: 415-531-8822